The Feva Easterns proved to be a hugely successful event in all aspects except sailing. For all the different parts involved, the one that let us down was the wind – or lack of!!!
Saturday morning saw a record number of 40 boats register for the event and all were rigged, sun creamed and ready to go. At the same time the race committee were weighing up the conditions: tide going south, light winds (if any) and not much prospect for racing. It was decided that for the sake of the event, and all the boats that had travelled from near and far, we were going to give it a shot.

Out they went and in no time it was clear, this was turning into a social event for day 1. At one stage, race officer Michael managed to set a windward mark, but that’s as far as it got. The wind disappeared and instead Feva Islands were formed, water fights broke out and boats were upside down with serious sunbathing going on.
At 14.00, all was abandoned with everyone being towed in. Then started the official ‘social’: the rugby (well done Leinster), followed by an Anto BBQ and eventually the main event; Line Dancing by Sophia Bolger. The courtyard was turned into a barn with fairy lights, firepits and haybales. All we were missing was the animals, but to be fair with the state of the dancing, there was a lot of donkeys present.

Sunday morning and everyone convened again, but it was clear that this was another day for sunbathing and not much else. The race committee got together and with the conditions looking even lighter than the day before, with much regret it was decided to give people back their weekends and abandon it altogether.
It was a pity that the wind let us down, but from the reports received, everyone had a super time. The next event for the Feva’s is 8th and 9th June at Royal North YC for the Northerns and hopefully we’ll get a similar turnout for that with just as much enthusiasm and a bit more wind.

I would like to thank the event sponsors: Roche’s Pharmacy in Greystones and Viking Marine in Dun Laoghaire. Thanks also to the race officer Michael Conlon, Feva class captain David Whelan, the event organising committee and all the volunteers from rib crews to shore people, to chefs and parents alike. Thanks everyone for making it a very memorable event and hopefully see you at the next one.
Cheers, Chris